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  • ComputerLocker.rar ... someone sit on your chair while you are at a coworkers office and play with your data? Maybe you need a computer locking tool that is small and easy to use yet powerful enough to make sure your machine is locked when you need to go out for a break.
  • LinuxAdministratonMadeEasy.pdf.tar.gz Linux administration made easy for newbie
  • AdBook.zip Easy way to maintain a Address book.
  • GeneratingFiles.rar a simple program to generate files with numbers, easy to use...
  • WGASetup.rar Windows WGA Crack Easy Use
  • sherpa-0.6.9.src.tar.gz ... other systems as they get sorted out) The main aim of the Sherpa project is to create a file browser that is easy to use and flexible, allowing configuration to match the expectations of users as they move from operating system to operating system. ...
  • ias_stateflow_rev_a.rar Indicated Airspeed Simulink Model (very easy for learning)
  • send_direct_to_Printer.zip This sends easy Text to a Needle Printer (ibm-standard) line for line, useful for codesnippets
  • Linedetection.zip This is the implementation of Sobel to Delphi and shows the easy way to detect lines of objects
  • OpenGL_Tutorial_2.zip An simple calling to OpenGL in Delphi. Its a second Frame for easy Use. As Example it shows an changing geometry.