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  • matlab_codes.rar we had to display the output of a multichannel ecg (electro cardiograph) device.... tiled vertical:. vertical aligned:. autoscaled x-axis. the
  • Conception-et-realisation-dun-systeme-dacquisitio Conception et realisation d un systeme d acquisition du signal ECG a l aide d un telephone portable via Bluetooth
  • ecg101.zip MIT-BIH101 Ecg Filtering using wavelet transform
  • ecg105.zip MIT-BIH Ecg 105 filtering with wavelet transform
  • ecg_analysis.rar this is design for ECG hybrid proposal
  • r.rar 非线性能量算子的心电信号R波检测方法Nonlinear energy operator ECG R wave detection
  • Uso-de-convertidor-D-A.rar This is a ECG generator. Whit eight bits resolution. Need a Bidirectional Shift Register and eigth bits DAC connected on the shift register output. The c code shows all the pins include the lcd. Please remember use the flexlcd. c library.
  • fine.rar ecg信号读取与二进制到十进制转换,为处理做准备
  • wave_peak.rar 该函数用于读取ecg信号,找到小波变换模极大序列,及按级给出概貌和细节的波形
  • xindianzyj.rar ecg信号读入后后期处理,滤波,并进行阈值处理。