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  • ECG Projeto de Conclusão de Curso - Detecção de padrões em ondas de eletrocardiogramas ECG - SISTEMA PARA DETECCAO DE PATOLOGIAS EM ELETROCARDIOGRAMAS Universidade Candido Mendes Campos - RJ Ciencia da Computacao Alaor Barroso de Carvalho Neto ...
  • arduino-ecg arduino ecg lcd plotter with heart rate detection
  • arduino-ecg A heartbeat detector for Arduino devices arduino-ecg is a heartbeat detector for ECG signals measured with Arduino devices. It detects heartbeats and prints them to the serial stream. The analysis of the respiratory variation of QRS amplitude supported, ...
  • ecg An ECG generator type thing.
  • ecg-analysis-parent ... project for ecg-analysis project This is the parent for the ecg-analysis project. ``` git clone git@github.com:pangratz/ecg-analysis-parent.git cd ecg-analysis-parent git submodule init git submodule update cd physiotoolkit-wrapper rake cd .. ...
  • arduino-ecg Arduino ECG monitor Arduino ECG monitor
  • data-service-ecg ... that need to be written for a creating ECG Simulation DDS application. # Prerequisite [Setting Up Logging Service]( ... install PREFIX= ## Simplified Functions Following are ECG functions and their descriptions Note: Refer the demo ...
  • ecg-tesis Archivos Matlab de mi Proyecto de Tesis. ecg-tesis ========= Archivos en Matlab correspondientes a mi Proyecto de Tesis de pregrado: "Algoritmo para la Deteccion de Ritmos Anomalos para el Apoyo y la Deteccion de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares" Todos ...
  • ECG-analyzer Main ECG-analyzer repository ECG-analyzer ============ Main ECG-analyzer repository
  • ecg ecg