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  • NKWordPad.zip NKwordpad from MFC: you can use to edit text
  • MyNotepad_Src.zip Mywordpad winform: you can use to edit text
  • maze_assign.zip A very good Maze Game. Also have an editor to edit and save the maze.
  • phpwapftp.rar ... --- click on file name and choose: - open(only for zip, tar archives, max 700 kb). - unzip- only for archives jar zip tar. - edit. - symbols per field. - encoding. - save as. - add to list copy. - add to list move. - add to list zip - create archive. - ...
  • symulacja.rar hat the axes is supposed to show, etc. Now we edit the m-file to compl
  • VB_programming_additional_text_in_edit_box.rar VB编程实现在编辑框中追加文本VB programming additional text in the edit box
  • VB_programming_for_multi_line_edit_box_displayed.r VB编程实现在编辑框中实现多行显示VB programming for multi-line in the edit box displayed
  • VB_Programming_limit_length_text_edit_box_enter_co VB编程实现限制编辑框输入文本的长度代码VB Programming limit the length of text edit box enter the code
  • VB_Programming_limit_edit_box_enter_numeric_code.r VB编程实现限制编辑框只能输入数字代码VB Programming limit edit box can only enter the numeric code
  • LCD_UG32F11_LM3S9B96.tar.gz ... contain: Code for lm3s9b96 to controll a QVGA 320x240 Lcd ug32f11, this code uses SafeRTOS, open the tar file into a directory and do make, you will need a toolchain form cortex M3, if you use another one different from arm-none-eabi-gcc, edit make file.