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  • spiralgen.zip L-Edit is a program often used to create MEMS layouts (if you re here, you probably know this), but it doesn t have ... springs, stress sensors, etc. This file generates a command which can be pasted into L-edit s command window in order to generate a spiral.
  • Edit.rar 这是用QT写的一个文本编辑器,可能不好似那么完美,但大家可以看看
  • UEdit.rar good for edit columns text
  • mariosong.zip Put these two files into the same directory and run mariosong.m. It will play the first part of the mario brothers theme song. You can edit note.m to add qualities to the sound
  • SpinEdit.rar 自己当初联系控件时候用的,spin和edit联合。 初学者易用。
  • DropEx-Edit-listbox-button.rar v8或者vc6编译,拖动static字符到各个可以接受的控件。学习拖动用
  • Access_and_DB_Table.rar Program to show and edit DB Table and Access table
  • User_Policies.rar Program to show and edit User Policies
  • edit.rar 在Oracle数据库里创建简单关系表的基本操作练习.
  • readerTxtWinCE.rar winCE5.0下的文本阅读器 用edit控件实现的