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  • TantuGIS-ArcSDEkuaisurumen.rar C写的ArcSDE连接添加Feature的类
  • featureselection.zip feature-selection-with-acquisition cost-for-optimizing-sensor-system-design.pdf
  • featurecomputationforautomatedconfigutationofMulti comparison of PSO-Based Optimized feature computation for automated configutation of Multi-sensor systems
  • rasdialx.zip ... with fly-by/hover and click features for each object type specified within the Image Map. Another distinguishing feature available within DBtnMap is sound support. DBtnMap has several properties including PictureFile, SoundClick and SoundHover. Each of ...
  • Feature-basedTrackingOfMultiplePeopleforIntelligen 这是基于智能视频中多人脸的跟踪,具有代表性!跟大家共同分享一下!
  • feature.rar MPEG-2源程序中部分特征值的提取,用于对MPEG-2视频流进行解码操作
  • uCOSIITheRealTimeKernel.rar ... (i.e. data space) needed by μC/OS-II. This is especially useful when you have resource limited products. I also added the feature described in the previous section and cleaned up the code. Where the book is concerned, I wanted to clarify some of the ...
  • feature-tracking.rar 一个用于电子显微镜下运动细胞的识别跟踪的源代码,出自哈佛医学院的一位教授,对于做物体运动识别估计的各位很有帮助!
  • fdp5final.zip Face Detection System Face Detection using gabor feature extraction and neural networks
  • sift-latest_win.zip Rob Hess 開發的SIFT Feature Detector程式 These functions also work with image feature files from both David Lowe s SIFT detector and the Oxford VGG s affine covariant feature detectors. http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~hess/index.html