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  • GGVF.rar used to extract texture feature using gabor filter
  • Visual-CPP-2008-Feature-Pack.rar MFC的小程序,可以帮助你深入理解MFC的机制 MFC small program that can help you further understand the mechanism of MFC
  • framess.rar Video activity feature extraction, such as sapio and temporal features extraction Existing part partially completed
  • applypca.rar mat lab code .. applying pca on any matrix of matlab. feature vector will give the featuevector change the dimentional matrix
  • GenerarBuffer.zip Generar buffer a un Feature seleccionado previamente en ArcMap 9.2 a una determinada distancia ya sea en coordenadas planas o geograficas.
  • Utilidades.zip Utilidades en ArcMap 9.2. Generar reporte de vecindad de un Layer de poligonos Reporte de coordenadas minimas y maximas (X,Y Min X, Y Max) de los feature de un FClass de poligonos Reporte de coordenadas de los centroides de los feature de poligonos.
  • Wake-On-Lan-EX.XmlSerializers.rar Functions for implementing Wake-On-Lan feature Target OS Windows 7
  • Eyes-Feature-Detection-using-Gabor-Wawlet.rar Face Eyes Detection using Gabor Wavlet
  • icmi02.rar ... base rate of positive facial expression and in specific facial action units over intervals from 4- to 12 months. Facial expression was measured using convergent measures, including facial EMG, automatic feature-point tracking, and manual FACS coding.
  • HOG.rar shape feature extraction of Histogram of Gradient