... commonly used local mode of operation, such as drag, move, hotkeys, etc.
elFinder can also create and extract documents, QuickLook feature to quickly find and view images, Flash, text, video, or PDF, allowing you to create and edit any text file or zoom ...
大名鼎鼎的IEDemo,基于Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack的功能,对VS2008的CMFCToolBar,CMFCReBar,CMFCStatusBar进行了系统详细的介绍,非常值得下载,找了好久才找到的哦
同样是基于Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack的新功能,主要介绍如何在CMFCToolbar所创建的工具条上添加CCombox下拉框和编辑框,同时也介绍了利用CPane创建浮动窗口的功能,全部是基于VS2008的,值得一学
基于VS2008,Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack的CMFCStatusBar的实现;展示了如何利用CMFCStatusBar实现状态栏进度条,实现状态栏动态动画,实现Bitmap位图的加载与实时变化
coding for color feature extraction
this is a feature selection by using wvtool tool for creating vector
mallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus is used to extract the edge and corner points of local feature area. The principle of operator SUSAN is to make a mask on the circle area of one point with the radius of r and then observe every point in the ...
... ) is a well known approach for dimensionality reduction of the feature space. It has been successfully applied in face recognition. The ... is to decompose face images into a small set of feature images called eigenfaces, which can be considered as points in ...
This function segment Out superficial Blood Vessels from thermal images.it can be used in face recognition systems as a helpful feature.