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  • New.rar fingerprint feature extraction
  • Analogue-Sampler-AND-controller.zip ... relays dependent on voltage, resistance, temperature and digital signals. Free powerful software runs on a Windows PC. PIC 16F877A based. Feature : - • 10 bit input port 0-16V • High current 10-bit output port • 0-5V and 0-25V ...
  • lung.rar A Feature Extraction Model For Assessing the Growth Of Lung Cancer In Computer Aided Diagnosis
  • morpher_source.tar.gz File from feature-based image metamorphosis
  • GPS-map.rar Initiative to provide information to Google Maps, you must have auto-positioning feature, the timely provision of life information for your reference.
  • Etap1.zip ... NxD matrix where N is the number of samples in the test set and D is the dimension of the feature space. true_labels is a Nx1 matrix specifying the class label of each corresponding sample s features (each row) in ...
  • SIFT.rar 该代码可以实现尺度不变特征转换(Scale-invariant feature transform 或 SIFT)变换,程序文档中包含了样例图片以及相关代码,能够得到较好效果的特征变量。SIFT是一种电脑视觉的算法用来侦测与描述影像中的局部性特征,它在空间尺度中寻找极值点,并提取出其位置、尺度、旋转不变量。
  • A-Guide-to-MATLAB-Object-Oriented-Programming.rar the book describes the object oriented feature in matlab programming language in detail, and discuss how to programming in object oriented matlab.
  • XFM-tutorial.rar MicroStation GeoGraphics XFM (XML-based Feature Modeling)引擎提供了一个可扩展的元数据驱动框架来定义 GeoGraphics中的要素。你可以管理属性、图符、标注规则和要素行为。 这个指南将解释 XFM编程中的重要概念。它的目的是使你能尽快使用 GeoGraphics XFM API。
  • block_DCT_feature_extraction.rar feature extraction by dct