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  • SVD_feature_extraction.rar svd feature extraction
  • pixel_feature_extraction.rar pixel by pixel feature extraction
  • sift-0.9.10.zip SIFT matlab demo scale invariant feature
  • GXRS2010-135.rar ... or linking VBOs: show where buffers reside along with mapping details FBOs: print reasons why a configuration is unsupported You can expect even more functionality in the future as GLExpert s feature list grows with driver advances.
  • BuildingActiveModels_version0.zip Shape Context is a method to get an unique descriptor (feature vector) for every point of an object contour or surface.
  • Application-of-Feature-Matching.rar 基于外极线约束法则的外极斜率匹配思想, 针对图像中有限的角点特征, 提出了一种快速直线匹配 方法
  • A-real-world-system-for-human-motion-detection-an ... to statistical modeling of motion developed by Y. Song is coupled with a preprocessing stage of image segmentation and point feature tracking. This design allows a system that is robust with respect to occlusion, clutter, and extraneous motion. The ...
  • Combining-face-detection-and-people-tracking-in-v ... Histogram of Oriented Gradients, i.e. HOG, features. A K-mean clustering technique is used in a cascade of HOG feature classifiers to detect faces. The evaluation of the algorithm shows similar performance in terms of detection rate as state of the art ...
  • mRMR_0.9_compiled.rar Hanchuan Peng, Fuhui Long, and Chris Ding, "Feature selection based on mutual information: criteria of max-dependency, max-relevance, and min-redundancy," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp ...
  • chgscreenbright.rar Changing the screen brightness programmingly - By using the Gamma Ramp API Some video cards allows you to programmingly modify the Gamma Ramp values. You can use this feature to change the brightness of the entire screen.