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  • FEATURE-SET-FOR-EXTRACTION-OF-CERVICAL-CYTO-IMAGE An image processing application.....
  • InTech-Character_recognition.zip ... selected recent advances, applications, and new ideas in character recognition. It covers various methods such as image processing, feature extraction, classification, hybrid approach, evaluation, new applications, and the human-computer interface.
  • gabortb-0.4.tar.gz ... latest results you can examine by viewing our current projects or latest articles. The goal of this research area is to investigate Gabor filter based image processing, especially feature extraction, which has applications in computer vision problems.
  • HMM-and-mel-feature-extraction.rar mel frequency converting and training HMM model
  • feature_detection-using-corner-and-edge.zip This program is used for feature detection using corner and edge detection
  • sofia-sip-1.12.11.tar.gz Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification (see the feature table). It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person ...
  • aci.rar feature extraction matlab code
  • Force-Field-Transformation.zip Force Field Feature Extraction for Ear Biometrics
  • Mesa-Reco.rar A new feature in MESA 12.2 is the addition of a “template compensation” tool on the source editing toolbar. This feature is used to modify the location of the shooting template after source points are moved.
  • GLDM.zip Feature Extraction using matlab