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  • som.zip describes selforganizing feature maps which describes the clustering and compression
  • TheSUSANPrincipleforFeatureDetection.rar this paper tell you susan principle for feature detetion very details. and many pseucode are also given. you can use the principle to detect feature.
  • Face_Recognition_Jens_Fagertun.zip ... overview of the problem of facial recognition. A survey of available facial detection algorithms as well as implementation and tests of di铿€erent feature extraction and dimensionality reduction methods and light normalization methods are presented.
  • eos_movrec-0.1.7-setup.zip This software write short movie with your digital DSLR camera Canon (R) directly to computer. The camera must have LiveView feature to work. Now supported Canon EOS 1000D, 450D, 40D, 50D, 5D Mark II, 1Ds Mark III. Program have preview, Av and WB control. ...
  • DraggableMP3Player.zip One great use for this feature is for a music band specific MP3 player. ... currently running as an applet
  • klt.zip this is code for finding and tracking feature points
  • zettair-0.9.3.zip ... and search HTML (or TREC) collections. It has been designed for simplicity as well as speed and flexibility, and its primary feature is the ability to handle large amounts of text. It has a single executable, which performs both indexing and searching: ...
  • clsf_dpd_fast.rar Neighborhood rough set based feature evaluation and reduction
  • clsf_dpd_fast2.rar Neighborhood rough set based feature evaluation and reduction
  • clsf_dpd_fast_3.rar Neighborhood rough set based feature evaluation and reduction