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  • fastradial.rar 特征检测,Loy and Zelinski s fast radial feature detector.
  • 2B.zip This is the third exercice of PSP. Exercice 2B is an add-on of 1B and it has the modify file feature
  • AVR_Prog_User_Guide.rar AvrProg can program all devices in the AT90S baseline series of microcontrollers. As an additional feature it can also program several of Atmel’s AT89S series of microcontrollers.
  • klt.rar KLT_READ_FEATURE_TABLE Read a feature table written by KLTWriteFeatureTable.
  • SVM.zip Colletion of SVM-gentetice feature selection programs that implement in matlab
  • VC2008FeaturePack.rar Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack sample 界面例子,BCGSoft界面
  • BagOfFeatureFramework.rar 基于Bag of feature的图像分类经典文章,非常适合初学者学习
  • Scale-invariant_feature_transform.rar 尺度不变特征变换(Scale-invariant feature transform或SIFT)是一种计算机视觉的算法去查找并描述图像的局部特征。sift比较通俗的详解,比一般的详细。英文
  • sift1.rar 针对现有的图像复制遮盖篡改检测算法需要某些先验信息、对后处理操作失效且计算量大等问题, 借鉴图像匹配技术中的SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)特征匹配算法,首次提出将其用于检测复制 遮盖的篡改操作。
  • FeatureExtractionUsingConstrained.rar 人脸识别IEEE 2010论文,feature extraction use constraint approximation and supression