个人代码,实现了基于内容的图像检索,包括relevance feedback, virtual feature等特性,基于KDE paper: long-term cross-session relevance feedback in image retrieval
... is constructed from a dual rooted graph diffusion
Recently, the focus of attention in unsupervised learning has
over the feature vector space, obtained by growing dual rooted
turned to spectral clustering methods due to its many successes
minimum ...
SIFT algorithm. to find feature discriptor. the algorithm returns the locations of key loints and then matches two pictures with htose points.
this file contains a ppt on feature selection for regression problem
this file contains a ppt on feature selection in video classification.
this file contains a ppt about feature selection
... that contain speech. The method is based in two simple audio features (signal energy and spectral centroid). As long as the feature sequences are extracted, as thresholding approach is applied on those sequence, in order to detect the speech segment
An implementation of Loy and Zelinski s fast radial feature detector