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  • Soure.rar finger print interface 8051
  • dete_finger.zip code for detecting finger print
  • fingerprintdet.zip matlab cod to detect finger
  • finger1.zip matlab code to draw the chrometic component of finger
  • MyFinger.rar Finger是一个网络应用层协议,全称是Finger用户信息协议,它的协议文档是RFC1288,为远程用户信息程序提供接口的简单协议.压缩包里包含源码
  • feature_extraction.zip finger print feature extraction matlab code
  • Atmel_QTouch_Library_2.0.rar ... capacitance of the sense plate can be determined. Placing a finger on the touch surface introduces external capacitance that affects the ... . QTouch™ microcontrollers can also be set up to detect the proximity of a finger, rather than absolute touch.
  • TappingDemo.m.zip This program is finger tapping domo and test.
  • finger.rar fingerprint recognition best algoritm
  • 1.rar finger code recogntionion. Enjoy this file