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  • NET_DEFENDER.rar C++ based intrusion detection system, a type of firewall implementation...
  • 201012817331086.rar 个人防火墙delphi源码,貌似国外的 iSafer - a simple personal firewall. The code is not so nice because there is not a lot of comments:D
  • Hotmail.zip linux iptables.Linux has an extremely powerful firewall built in, commonly referred to as iptables, but more accurately is ... you, the user, interact with at the commandline to enter firewall rules into predefined tables. Netfilter is a kernel module, built ...
  • pcre-8.10.tar.gz config Firewall by RPC
  • Mohapatra---2004---FIREMAN-A-Toolkit-for-FIREwall a paper on new network security topic.Novel solution for anomaly detection.
  • zhangxiao880802.rar simple firewall, ip_checking tcp_port_checking
  • Filewall.rar With MFC realize a firewall program
  • iSafer-3.zip firewall application. pretty good, but still needs to be brought up to date
  • PortForward-Installation-Package.zip firewall sourcecode with filter option
  • Adall.rar 个人防火墙的自适应优化策略Adaptive Optimization Strategy Personal Firewall