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  • 8051_matran_phim.rar proxy pass firewall proxy pass firewall
  • firewall-skills.zip 举例了几个流行的防火墙实现原理。讲的很具体,适合初学者和深入研究。反正就是好文啊。
  • netfile-firewall.rar 该代码实现基于netfilter的简单内核级防火墙,可以实现对IP路由的控制,是入门学习netfilter的好材料
  • greensql-fw-1.3.0.tar.gz GreenSQL是一个开源的数据库防火墙(Database firewall),用来保护数据库免受SQL注入攻击。GreenSQL作为一个SQL命令代理来工作,并且内置对于MySQL的支持。其工作原理是基于SQL命令的评估,采用风险评分矩阵的模式进行工作,阻止已知的DBA命令(DROP、CREATE等等)。GreenSQL基于GPL协议进行分发。
  • WCFService.zip ... . I have tested them in Form applications and across different computers and all work, but for ease, I am only including the console apps both connecting to localhost on port 8000. If you have problems connecting, then it is a firewall or network issue.
  • droidwall-v1_5_1.rar it is actually a Android firewall package,it is a compiled source.which can be installed in your Android mobile phone.
  • _ttFirewallFHK_src.zip Firewall nice to gain knowledge about this code
  • ExtendingPassthru-(2).zip Firewall with NDIS driver and can be downloaded
  • _tnetdefender.zip firewall developement and full source code example
  • arno-iptables-firewall_1.9.2j.tar.gz iptable firewall arno