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  • realwater_source.zip RealWater is an advanced fluid animation system
  • hfsvcd-0.1beta.tar.gz This is a preliminary version of the library for solving the fluid sound radiation problem.
  • rtfluid04.zip ... world including computer games. Physical simulations based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is useful for rendering the realistic behaviour of water. However, real-time fluid rendering has been one of the challenging tasks because of high ...
  • DSMC0S.rar fortran program for cell collisionsin fluid flow
  • sic50.tar.gz SIC forftran finite element source code for linear nonlinear solids and fluid modeling
  • Vector_Diagram.zip Script originally intended for use in oceanography/fluid dynamics. Use: >> ipdv(X,Y) (0,0) default initial position or >> ipdv(X,Y,Xo,Yo) (Xo,Yo) initial position 2D vector components (X,Y) are used to plot the vectors one after ...
  • Fluid.rar it s about gauss elimination method
  • HydraulicFluidTP.zip Hydraulic Fluid Part of a hydraulic tool box to generalize the hydraulic system simulation. The outcome of the block are a global hydraulic fluid variables based on the current system pressure and temperature
  • ArticleRODTS.zip Recent developments in MRI applications to rheology and fluid mechanics. Two recent developments using proton MRI velocimetry are reported, that concern both fields of rheology and of fluid mechanics. The first one is a way to get noticeable ...
  • apitest.zip Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method