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  • meshfile.rar mesh file for Computational fluid dynamic
  • Quantitative-Seismic-Interpretation.rar Stanford的SRB实验室Quantitative Seismic Interpretation的免费MATLAB程序,可以计算AVO response, rock property, Gassmann s equation, fluid property, Elastic impedance等,非常实用和方便
  • FluidFlowinMicroand.rar Fluid Flow in Micron and Submicron Size Channels
  • rtfluid06.src.zip ... world including computer games. Physical simulations based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is useful for rendering the realistic behaviour of water. However, real-time fluid rendering has been one of the challenging tasks because of high ...
  • MegaParticlesDemo.zip ... world including computer games. Physical simulations based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is useful for rendering the realistic behaviour of water. However, real-time fluid rendering has been one of the challenging tasks because of high ...
  • IllustrationMod.rar mode shapes of a shaft supported by fluid film bearing
  • peric.tar.gz Peric的CFD经典代表“Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics”配套程序
  • cfdbooksoftware.rar CFD BOOK Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics的源代码
  • ductS45.rar LINES current through a pipeline - FLUID MECHANICS.