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  • elbeem-src.rar ... that can be built: - a standalone test program that runs a small fluid simulation - a command line executable, that can be used to run fluid simulations using a text file for setup. To successfully compile you should have the following ...
  • FluidSolvr1.rar My first fluid solver used an explicit solver with successive over-relaxation, but the instability problems were frustrating, so I abandoned it in favor
  • CFD.rar 里面三本书,两本是清华大学出版的计算流体力学,另外一本是Fundamentals of Computational Fluid。对搞CFD的人很有用。
  • fluid.rar 基于Jos Stam 1999 “Stable Fluids” 和 Fedkiw 2001 “Visual Simulation of Smoke” 论文。用半拉格朗日法求解二维Naver-Stokes公式。用雅可比迭代法在GPU上快速求解泊松方程。加入Fedkiw论文中所提到的vorticity confinement 力来恢复由于离散化误差而丢失的有趣的流体旋度。此演示程序在1G Hz赛杨III, 448 MB SDRAM, Geforce 6200显卡上以每秒22帧的速度运行。
  • section7.rar computational fluid dynamics john d. anderson 总结
  • code20for20chapt.rar An introduction to computational fluid dynamics ,第四章例子源代码
  • ForumThemes.Metallic.Infusion.for.vBulletin.3.5.x ... our themes. If at anytime you have any problems with installation please visit our forums at www.forumthemes.com/forums. Included - Fluid XML files - Custom Java Script for drop downs (clientscript) (All it does is remove the little white arrows in ...
  • codes_1.zip efficient code for function to calculate path of a trajectory in fluid mechanics
  • urwid- Urwid is a Python library for making text console applications. It has many features including fluid interface resizing, support for UTF-8 and CJK encodings, standard and custom text layout modes, simple markup for setting text attributes, and a powerful, ...
  • FluidHeatLaboratoryReport.rar Fluid and Heat Laboratory Report