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  • aug00 国外游戏开发者杂志2000年第八期配套代码,包括Brian Sharp的implicit-surface fluid的例子代码,例子中使用了Lander的动画库
  • ofeli-1.3.0-3.zip ... of equations as well as various combinations of iterative solvers and preconditioners. * Shape functions of most "popular" finite elements * Element arrays of most popular problems (Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow, Solid Mechanics, Electromagnetics, ...).
  • FluidPipelineSimulinkModels.rar ... Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends ...
  • stablefluids_source.tar.gz This realtime fluid simulator is based on Jos Stam s paper "stable fluids". It allows interactive control of fluids (including gases). A simple editor is included, although the main aspect lies on the implementation of the solver. It is written in C++ ...
  • cfd3.zip Computtional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) steady 1-Dimensional convection and diffusion using central differencing, upwind differencing, hybrid differencing and power law schemes, programmed in MATLAB
  • duns-src-2[1].7.rar ... -Stokes (DUNS) Code The DUNS code is a 2d/3d, structured, multi-block, multi-species, unsteady or steady, Navier Stokes fluid dynamics code with the q-omega turbulence model. It is configurable on several different levels allowing you to make the ...
  • Physically-Based-Fluid-Simulation.rar 基于物理的流体模拟近年来成为计算机动画领域的一个研究热点.回顾了该领域中基于物理的流体模拟的发展情况,总结了该研究方向所采用的各类方法,并结合各种现象的特点分门别类地详细展开其方法总体上可 以分为欧拉法和拉格朗日法,涉及的现象包括烟雾、火焰、爆炸、波浪、气泡以及自由运动界面等.最后展望了未来发 展的3个重点:细节策略、加速策略和控制策略,以使整个模拟能够更好地满足人们对真实感、实时性以及灵活性的 需求.
  • Fluid-Dynamics.rar 详细介绍了计算流体动力学的方法、应用领域及编程技巧
  • Energetic-Two-Phase-Fluid-Simulation.rar 2012年siggraph论文,描述了流体中的flip流体模拟方法,使流体模拟中的空隙缺陷减小到最少。从而使流体完成了整体的效果。
  • Fluid-network-theory.rar 流体网络理论,罗志昌 对流体建模相当有帮助 流体网络理论,罗志昌 对流体建模相当有帮助