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  • Flexible Web Design Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts with CSS... ... to fixed width design can offer a lot of benefit and may work for more types of sites than you may think Liquid or fluid sites which resize based on the user’s window size are one alternative Elastic sites which resize based on the user’s text ...
  • ASP.NET MVC 5 Mobile Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 will take you step-by-step through the process of developing fluid content that adapts its layout to the client device using HTML, JavaScript and CSS, and responsive web design. This book introduces server-side techniques that allow ...
  • [WP] Windows Phone 8 应用开发核心技术 (英文版) ... guide to creating a Windows Phone 8 application using C#, XAML, and MVVM Overview Learn how to design fast and fluid apps that users will love Packed with examples and illustrations that help you understand how to make high quality software Build ...
  • The Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Fluid Dynamics and Beyond LBM入门必备的专业书籍,由意大利著名教授用英文编写,比较全面的介绍了LBM的发展和基础知识,及其应用。被国内外同行所广泛推荐
  • Fluid Mechanics --- Frank M.White- 作者:Frank M White McGraw-Hill出版社出版的
  • Animation and Control of Breaking Waves.pdf Controlling fluids is still an open and challenging problem in fluid animation. In this paper we develop a novel fluid animation control approach and we present its application to controlling breaking waves. In our Slice Method framework an ...
  • Asp.net MVC5 手机Web应用开发(高清英文pdf) ... 》 使用ASP.NET MVC5开发手机Web应用 Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 will take you step-by-step through the process of developing fluid content that adapts its layout to the client device using HTML, JavaScript and CSS, and responsive web design. This book introduces server- ...
  • bootstrap中文手册 bootstrap中文手册 值得拥有 Bootstrap创建了响应式的12列栅格系统,并在该系统的基础上设计了固定(fixed)布局和流动宽度(fluid-width)布局。
  • bootstrap入门教程 ... 引入了 列格网布局系统,它引入了 fixedfixedfixed fixed和 fluidfluidfluid fluid-withwithwithwith两种布局方式。我们从 两种布局方式。我们从 ... Grid System),(Grid System),(Grid System),(Grid System),流式格网 (Flu(Flu(Flu(Fluid grid System),id grid System), id grid System), id grid System),id grid System ...
  • BootStrap入门教程 ... 引入了 列格网布局系统,它引入了 fixedfixedfixed fixed和 fluidfluidfluid fluid-withwithwithwith两种布局方式。我们从 两种布局方式。我们从 ... Grid System),(Grid System),(Grid System),(Grid System),流式格网 (Flu(Flu(Flu(Fluid grid System),id grid System), id grid System), id grid System),id grid System ...