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  • ww.rar Modify the Matlab Gauss Elimination routine given in lectures so that it (a) performs implicit complete pivoting, and (b) handles m right hand sides at once by performing an LU decomposition of the matrix A first and then doing forward substitution and ...
  • gauss.rar WGS84,北京54,80西安坐标,经纬度高斯正算,反算以及换带计算
  • Gauss_elimination.zip Gauss Elimination Algorithm is used to solve linear equations in the form Ax=B, find rank of matrix and to find inverse of matrixes. The program is done in matlab platform.
  • Gauss_Siedal_loadflow.zip Gauss siedal algorithm for calculating the load flows. The program is done in Matlab
  • guass.rar 对矩阵A进行gauss变换,并且返回变换后的矩阵
  • gaussseidel.rar gauss siedel sistemas de ecuaciones
  • duct4.zip ... laminar flow in a rectangular channel of aspect ratio b/a (=bar). solve the equation: d^2u/dx^2 + d^2u/dy^2 = -1, -a<x<a, -b<y<b method of discretisation: 3-point centered differences method of linear system solution: gauss-seidel + sor
  • code.rar (1)用Doolittle三角分解(LU)法解方程组。 (2)分别用Jacobi迭代, Gauss-Seidel迭代法解方程组。
  • Gaussseidel.rar gauss seidel program
  • homework1.rar :用列主元Gauss消去法解线性方程组Ax=b,