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  • Iterate.rar will implement either Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel or SOR iterative techniques to solve the problem
  • windows_compare.zip Windows in matlab. Blackmanharris, Hamming, Gauss, Kaiser. There is tool for comparing different windows with different parameters. Parameter N set the window length
  • Gaussxiaoyuanfa.rar 用C编写的gauss消元法,利于学数值分析的理解与掌握
  • gaussi-jacobi-gseidel_algorithm.rar Gauss, Jacobi e Gauss-Seidel Algorithm
  • 1psc.zip Gauss elimination, language C
  • eliminacao.rar gauss elimination, language Pascal
  • 29309-29309.ZIP Gauss - Eliminatination algorithms
  • gsmain.rar it will be helpful in solving the power flow using the gauss method
  • GAUSSJ.rar Gauss Jordan算法求解矩阵的逆
  • GaussJordan.rar This project implements the gauss - jordan algorithm to solve inverse matrix