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  • 神经网络遗传算法.rar 人工神经网络遗传算法 NNUGA - Neural Network Using Genetic Algorithms
  • 2-2.zip Genetic Algorithm 关于遗传算法的一些小程序
  • gentica-thority.rar This directory contains the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox for Matlab 7. To use this, if you are local to NCSU and have AFS access to this directory, simply extend the matlab path using the following command.
  • PIDTuningUsingG.A.rar -PID controller has been extensively used in the industrial world. But in this controller it is difficult to tune the PID gains. We apply the genetic algorithm(GA) to tune the PID gains. The GA is an optimization algorithm using the biotic genetics.
  • 8Queen_Demo.zip Using Genetic Algorithm to solve the 8 Queens problem.
  • GATS.rar 基于SCILAB的The Genetic Algorithm Toolbox for SCILAB (GATS)工具箱,具有友好的界面。
  • an_intruction_of_a_simple_genetic_algorithm.rar This a simple genetic algorithm implementation where the evaluation function takes positive values only and the fitness of an individual is the same as the value of the objective function
  • yichuansuanfacankao.rar 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是近几年发展起来的一种崭新的全局优化算法,它借 用了生物遗传学的观点,通过自然选择、遗传、变异等作用机制,实现各个个体的适应性 的提高。这一点体现了自然界中"物竞天择、适者生存"进化过程 ... 的理论基础。 用遗传算法解决问题时,首先要对待解决问题的模型结构 和参数进行编码,一般用字符串表示,这个过程就将问题符号化、离散化了。也有在连续 空间定义的GA(Genetic Algorithm in Continuous Space, GACS),暂不讨论。
  • GAbook01.rar 1。《遗传算法的数学基础》,张文修、梁怡编着 西安交通大学出版社 2000年第一版 遗传算法(genetic algorithm)是模拟自然界生物进化过程与机制求解问题的一类自组织与自适应的人工智能技术,已广泛应用于计算机 ...
  • STLTutorialandReferenceGuide.rar ... edition (March 27, 2001) Format: PDF Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von ...