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  • GoogleSearch.zip Java 语言, Eclipse 开发环境, 模拟 google search 页面效果的一个示例
  • GTalk_v1.0.0.104_HH.zip ... . 2.退出已经运行的 GTalk. 3.安装完成后将汉化补丁 目录中的两个文件覆盖到GTalk的安装目录. 安装目录默认在 "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk" 注意情况 -------------------------- 退出GTalk的时候需要从屏幕右下角的通知区域中,右键点击GTalk图标 选择Exit(中文是"退出"的意思) Copyright @ 2009. Author:leaker Site: ...
  • TraduttoreOnline.zip traducer library from google
  • Counter.zip A simple java source line counter. Found it on google.
  • GoogleMapAjax.rar ... Maps’ importance. In case you need a reminder, however, visit Google Maps Mania (http://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com) for a view into the sprawling culture of innovation that Google Maps has fostered in the development community. The Google Maps ...
  • googleEng.rar google引擎算法, 包括搜索短语解析器类
  • Freq_meter_LCD.rar A circuit to measure Frequency upto 655 KHz with a resolution of ~10 Hz. Uses 8051 controller with 16x2 LCD display as an O/P device. See http://sites.google.com/site/munish4u911ex/Home/8051projects-simulations/8051-freqcounter for hardware connections.
  • Receive.rar 这个类可以实现接收google邮件,并且保存在本地的功能
  • baiduGoogle.rar 加载百度GOOGLE的搜索功能,php源码程序,直接放到网站中即可使用
  • googlePhotoSearch.rar Google Search Google Search