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  • hash.rar 一个数据结构作业 包含完整实验报告和源代码
  • HashTable.rar Hash table implementation in c language
  • +Compress.zip ... consentono a questo programma di mostrare il loro utilizzo e le loro performances, ecco elencati alcuni di essi : base64/crc32/fibonacci/mtf/freq/adddif/bwt/fix12/fix128/flatter/ huffman/lzw/lzs/rle/lbe/hash/vbc/scrambler, e tanti tanti altri.
  • sha256.java.zip Sha256 Algorithm. The SHA hash functions are a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and published by the NIST as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard. SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm
  • jpdirxp.c.gz My Dirtree / file to csv lister. Includes MD-5 Hash of each file. Written in Borland C. (C++ Compiler). Ver 1
  • jpdirxp3.c.gz My Dirtree / file to csv lister. Includes MD-5 Hash of each file. Written in Borland C. (C++ Compiler). Ver 3
  • jpdirxp4.c.gz My Dirtree / file to csv lister. Includes MD-5 Hash of each file. Written in Borland C. (C++ Compiler). Ver 5
  • jpdirxp6.c.gz My Dirtree / file to csv lister. Includes MD-5 Hash of each file. Written in Borland C. (C++ Compiler). 6b
  • jpdirxp6b.c.gz My Dirtree / file to csv lister. Includes MD-5 Hash of each file. Written in Borland C. (C++ Compiler). Ver 6b
  • jpdirxp7.c.gz My Dirtree / file to csv lister. Includes MD-5 Hash of each file. Written in Borland C. (C++ Compiler). Ver 7