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  • Modified-Protocols-for-Internet-Key-Exchange---(. Internet key exchange between the two parties using hash function algorithm
  • sha-1.rar The document is about Secure Hash Agorithm (SHA-1)
  • hashgen.rar Hash Generator..[-] input --> md5, sha and etc..
  • cache.rar 一个文件缓存类。每生成以缓存会同时生成以个hash加密的meta文件名cache文件名,读取缓存时首先要读取meta文件,判断缓存是否过期或者缓存文件是否存在,如果缓存文件被修改过,读取依然会失败。
  • hash.zip 描述web服务的组合:对已有Web服务进行组装和执行,需要安装Protege和OWL-S Editor插件
  • rdp.rar 生成rdp文件的password,hash过程,需要安装JEDI Windows API
  • Hashmap.rar hash map 使用范例,帮你更好学习hashmap和C++stl
  • list_code.rar 单向、双向链表标准实现代码,HASH各种操作接口代码。适用于windows/Linux/Unix等
  • SHA1VHDL-code.rar this is abou hash function programming on fpga
  • print.rar ... candidate generation) and groups of candidates are tested against the data. The algorithm terminates when no further successful extensions are found. Apriori uses breadth-first search and a hash tree structure to count candidate item sets efficiently.