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  • wicked_pdf ... a pdf from a URL pdf = WickedPdf.new.pdf_from_url('https://github.com/mileszs/wicked_pdf') # create a pdf from ... > Page <span class="page">span> of <span class="topage">span> ``` Anything ...
  • nedmalloc ... :middle;border:none" src="https://travis-ci.org/ned14/nedmalloc.png?branch=master"/>


    Enclosed is nedalloc ... to the logger.

  • <span class="gitcommit">[master c7ea06d]span> Finished user mode page allocator, so merged ...
  • jQuery-Clock-Plugin ... > ``` See an example of this in action here: **https://www.johnromanodorazio.com/jQueryClock.php** ## Custom NTP Timeserver ... like this: ```HTML <div class="jqclock"> <span class="clockdate">span> <span class="clocktime">span> div> ``` The clock ...
  • jhql ... <span id="author-name">wksspan>div>


    <div id="download-box"> Please click
  • grid_stylus ... <div id="sidebar">Sidebar info ...div> <span class="clear">span> div> Below is an example of an ... ://960.gs [2]: http://compass-style.org/ [3]: http://www.designinfluences.com/ [4]: https://github.com/bauhouse/fluid960gs
  • .vim ... 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga. ... <span class="post-date right">May 11th, 2011span>div><div class="post-image"> clientside-haml-js ... (); ``` * or added to the body of the web page in a script tag (with a unique ID ... produce the following HTML: ```html


    <span> span> div>

    ``` # HAML Templates with embedded ...
  • and.01 ... class="js-relative-date" datetime="2011-07-04T11:14:12-07:00" title="2011-07-04 11:14:12 ... of Rackspace Hosting<spanspan> div>
  • pazpar2-js-client ... be found in the Readme of our [TYPO3 Extension](https://github.com/ssp/typo3-pazpar2). * [jQuery 1.7.1]( ... for="pz2-checkbox-journal">journal titles only span> div> <div class="pz2-fieldContainer pz2-field-person">