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  • rakeica_sumee_matlab.rar rake ica receiver This program generates the Walsh Functions and does the job of a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Transmitter and Receiver
  • Independent_Component_Analysis.zip Independent Component Analysis ICA
  • JnS.rar Jade ICA algorithm in C
  • CellSort_1.1.zip This toolbox includes routines for using principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) to extract cellular signals from imaging data sets. A full description and validation of the method is provided in the paper, "Automated ...
  • infomax.rar compute the Independent component analysis (ICA) with the algorithm of infomax
  • icabss.rar 一种高效快速的线性混合新河盲分离ICA算法,提供了6个源信号以供参考,分离效果很好
  • FastICA_25.rar fastica matlab工具箱,实现ica盲源分离等操作
  • 00002_930831_pr.rar ica faces for recognition
  • 12.rar ica faces for recognition
  • ICA.zip 独立成分分析算法降低原始数据噪声,并提取特征值,非常有用得数据去噪程序。