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  • DataValidation.rar When row and column errors are defined, the DataGridView control displays a warning icon. For row errors, the icon is displayed to the left of the row. For column errors, the icon is displayed in the
  • ActiveButton.zip Button with icon and flashed label, nice for used in your flex application.
  • gpk-update-icon.txt.tar.gz 实现背包问题的最优解,linux下编程,不会让你失望的
  • YSS915conpro-v1.0.zip yss915 dedicated software development tools, we can directly use the icon in the pC end design tools, you can use the code that meets the YSS915
  • icon_changer.rar Icon changer changes icon in any app
  • SampView.zip this is platform sdk sample shell name space extension. but i was modified the little for drag&drop and shell icon ...
  • PropertyGridEx_src.zip ... the .NET 3.0 Workflow classes and saw this little blue icon for the DependencyProperties. In this sample, the icons will show an icon if the member is serializable and a second icon if the member implements ISerializable. A double click on the icon ...
  • A_GDIP_Pro177892862004.zip Now you can draw text with each icon and set the the position (top, right, etc.) via gdiPosition variable and I fixed the App.
  • togglebutton.zip An toggle button swing program which includes one swing button and one swing textbox.On click the button icon changes to other s icon.The program is written to demonstrate one basic function of javax.swing
  • ImgIco.rar vb.net software for convert image from Icon