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  • add(FLP).rar 一个32位元的浮点数加法器,可将两IEEE 754格式内的值进行相加
  • mul(FLP).rar 一个32位元的浮点数乘法器,可将两IEEE 754格式的值进行相乘
  • div(FLP).rar 是Nios II處理器下客製化指令的一個32位元浮點數除法器,可將兩IEEE 754格式的值進行相除
  • optimal_audio.zip Useful IEEE paper about audio and voice transmission over wireless networks
  • 1.rar A MAC Parameter Optimization Scheme for IEEE 802.11e-based
  • tvnrreversewavelettemp.rar wavelet based watermarking with dwt2 function in matlab it s an implementaton of an ieee paper.its a visible watermark it calculates the peak signal to noise ratio and the mean square error
  • AFastCRCImplementationonFPGAUsingaPipelinedArchite 非常经典的循环冗余校验码IEEE文章。。
  • Pattern_Recognition_by_Moment_Invariant.rar .M.K.Hu.发表的关于不变矩的著名文章Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariant,用校园网通过IEEE.Xplore下载,比较珍贵
  • IEEE.rar Speed estimation of an induction motor drive using an optimized extended Kalman filter
  • alu_Verilog.rar It is the code for implementing the project titled "The Reconfigurable Instruction Cell Array(IEEE 2008)".