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  • hilbert_transformer_latest.tar.gz ... have been implemented. The detailed discussion can be found in "Digital Hilbert Transformers or FPGA-based Phase-Locked Loops" (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4629940). The design is fully pipelined for maximum throughput.
  • PAMI200905.rar 一篇来自IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence的最新文献,非常经典。
  • span-2.28-patch.tar.gz ns 2.28 下 SPAN节能协议源码,含有IEEE 802.11 PSM功能,SPAN协议等
  • cc2520ZIGBEERFTRANSCEIVER.rar 无线网络设计指导及其器件选择,CC2500是支持2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4协议
  • zigBee_wuxianwangluo.rar 无线传感器网络是当今国际备受关注的前沿热点领域,被评为未来高科技的三大产 业之一。IEEE组织和ZigBee联盟提出的 IEEE802.巧.4/ZigBee技术是一种近距离、低 复杂度、低功耗、低数据速率、低成本的双向无线通信技术,主要适合于自动控制和远 程控制领域,可以嵌入各种设备中,十分适合担当组织无线传感器网络的重任,有着极 其重要的研究价值。
  • SIPS04Matlab.zip I. C. Wong, Z. Shen, J. G. Andrews, and B. L. Evans, ``A Low Complexity Algorithm for Proportional Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems , Proc. IEEE Int. Work. Signal Processing Systems, 针对这篇文章给出的源代码
  • rc5statemac.rar rc5 encryption- rc5 encryption using vhdl, using state machine, more detailed description can be found in ieee papers.
  • rc5decstmac.rar RC5 decryption algorithm implementation, using vhdl, with state machine implementation, use ieee papers for more detailed description.
  • rc5keyexp.rar rc5 key expansion algorithm implementation in vhdl, using state machine too. use ieee papers for more detailed description
  • HammingDecoder.rar ... ) and performs single error correction and double error detection. -- download from: www.pld.com.cn & www.fpga.com.cn LIBRARY ieee USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL ENTITY hamdec IS PORT(hamin : IN BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 7) --d0 d1 d2 d3 p0 p1 p2 p4 ...