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  • jbeam.zip ... written in MATLAB. It was used to generate the simulation results, as well as figures, in paper "JBEAM: multiscale curve coding via beamlets" by X. Huo and Jihong Chen. This paper will appear in IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 14 (11), in November 2005
  • Cassioli_channel.rar ... channel: from statistical model to simulations," Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , vol.20, no.6, pp. 1247-1257, Aug 2002 URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=1021916&isnumber=21989 All parameters of the ...
  • MDLTPC.zip ... , "Multiple description image coding with prediction compensation,?submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Feb. 2007. G. Sun, U. ... description image coding with prediction compensation," Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Vol. VI, pp. ...
  • OpenJPEG_PCMDC.zip ... the JPEG 2000 standard: J. Wang, and J. Liang, "Filter banks for prediction-compensated multiple description coding,?submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Sept. 2007. Revised: Aug. 2008. PDF J. Wang, and J. Liang, "Filter Banks for Prediction ...
  • demo.rar IEEE 802.15.4在NS2中的仿真源代码,AODV路由协议仿真。
  • IEEEStd1394a2000.rar IEEE std 1394a-2000,希望对各位开发1394接口的兄弟姐妹们有用。
  • OFDM_with_pilot.rar ... For further information see the "Xiaodong Cai and Georgios B. Giannakis, Error Probability Minimizing Pilots for OFDM with M-PSK Modulation over Rayliegh-Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular technology, vol. 53, No. 1, pp 146-155, Jan. 2004.
  • 802.11aOFDMPHYcodingandinterleaving.zip IEEE 802.11a OFDM PHY coding and interleaving Information Document
  • wimax_phy_layer_simulation_code.zip am submitting wimax phy layer simulation file . using ieee 802.16e OFDM air interface. It is first version and likely to be revised very soon with other features. Please wait till that.
  • Ageneralizedmethodfordistributionsystemreliability 一片基于遗传算法来解决配电系统可靠性的IEEE论文,很有启发性