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  • AudioCodecs-MPEG4AACIEEEcodingschemes.rar Audio Codecs -MPEG4 AAC IEEE coding schemes document
  • Signal_Processing.rar n多文章全部是IEEE上的关于多速率信号处理的内容,包括均匀和非均匀调制滤波器组的应用。其中cmfb.m为matlab文件,是A Kaiser Window Approach For The Design Of Prototype Filters Of Cosine Modulated Filterbanks的源代码,是老外给的M文件,很有参考价值。
  • IEEE_POWER.zip Hi friends here are IEEE papers for AC motor dive algorithm.
  • DP83640.rar IEEE 1588 PTP 硬件支持功能的以太网收发器,时钟精确性能表现非凡无论选用何种微控制器、FPGA或ASIC,DP83640的加入都可确保系统设计的高度灵活性,并实现高达8ns的精确度
  • Wrapi_2.0_build_1.zip ... in user space on mobile end stations to query information about the IEEE 802.11 network they are attached to. WRAPI 1.0 is ... XP operating system and is a hardware-independent tool that works with any IEEE 802.11b wireless network hardware vendor.
  • InterferenceevaluatioofBluetoothandIEEE802.11bsyst Interference evaluation of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11 b systems
  • 802.11a-1999[1].rar IEEE 802.11 WLAN设计经典书籍
  • jtag.zip JTAG Tools is a software package which enables working with JTAG-aware (IEEE 1149.1) hardware devices (parts) and boards through JTAG adapter. This package has open and modular architecture with ability to write miscellaneous extensions (like board ...
  • IEEE80211aWLANmodel.zip IEEE 802.11a WLAN model
  • ieee802.11-INETpatch-1.0.rar Ieee 802.11e for omnet++