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  • winteds.zip TEDS Library for LabVIEW A Brief Introduction to IEEE P1451.4
  • sdarticle[2].rar 应用形态学进行图像分析及处理,IEEE期刊中的英文文献
  • GPIBPXI.zip The NI PXI-GPIB is a low-cost, high-performance IEEE 488 controller module for PXI
  • Makefile.rar 讲述如何写makefile的文章,对GNU的make进行讲述,环境是RedHat Linux 8.0,make的版本是3.80。这个make是应用最为广泛的,也是用得最多的。而且其还是最遵循于IEEE 1003.2-1992 标准的(POSIX.2)。
  • SDR.rar ... uses digital signal processing (DSP) for coding, decoding, modulating, and demodulating data. This project focused on using the IEEE 802.11a specification to create a software radio.The feasibility of using Mathwork,s Simulink and Texas Instrument¡ &# ...
  • zggbeecc2420sheji.zip CC2420是Chipcon公司推出的一款符合IEEE 802.15.4规范的2.4GHz射频芯片,用来开发工业无线传感及家庭组网等PAN网络的ZigBee设备和产品。文中介绍了CC2420的主要功能、结构及典型应用电路。
  • WiMAX-OFDM.rar This package is for the evaluation of WiMAX/IEEE 802.16 OFDM Physical layer
  • DGPSO.rar 用于求解约束优化问题的算法,算法为差分进化/遗传算法/微粒群算法的融合。对于“[7] T. P. Runarsson and X. Yao, Stochastic ranking for constrained evolutionary optimization, IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 284-294, Sep. 2000”中给出的13个标准测试函数,均能得到问题最优解。如有任何疑问, ...
  • Lab704-IEEE802.15.4.zip CodeBlocks工程, 在Jennic JN5139开发板上基于IEEE 802.15.4开发的简单应用程序
  • RemoteDataAcquisitionControlandAnalysisusingLabvie ... Swain, N.K. Anderson, J.A. Ajit Singh Swain, M. Fulton, M. Garrett, J. Tucker, O. SoutheastCon, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE 4-6 April 2003 Page(s):1 - 6 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/SECON.2003.1268423 Summary: Students and faculty from ...