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  • extension_pack_latest.tar.gz This project contains files you can use to expand upon the basic IEEE packages you normally use for creating testbenches and RTL code.
  • formalizinggeneticalgorithm.zip This Technical Report describes the presentation given at The IEEE Workshop on Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing & Neural Nets held in Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1990.
  • 802.15.4-2006.rar IEEE 802.15.4 协议 2006年版 包含物理层和MAC层说明,协议规范 802.15.4是zigbee的底层协议
  • improved_jakes.rar This code implies the improved Jakes Method( Y. R. Zheng and C. Xiao, Improved models for the generation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms, IEEE Comm. Lett., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 256-258 (2002) ) to simulate Rayleigh fading
  • The-Self-Organizing-Map-(Kohonen).rar Kohonen article of self-organizing maps, published in 1982 in IEEE. It contain general ideas about self-organizing neural networks.
  • AlgorithmsforroutingandcentralizedschedulinginIEEE IEEE论文 Algorithms for routing and centralized scheduling in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks
  • Across-layerschedulingalgorithmwithQoSsupportinwir IEEE论文 A cross-layer scheduling algorithm with QoS support in wireless networks
  • Combiningrandombackoffwithacross-layertreealgorith IEEE关于WiMAX的论文Combining random backoff with a cross-layer tree algorithm for random access in IEEE 802.16
  • swrc135a.zip CC2530之练习程式,专为IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee所设计。
  • swrc090a.zip 本程式介绍CC2520 IEEE 802.15.4标准的射频收发器。其中还包括有硬件和软件运行的例子,以及如何开始使用。