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  • why三维医学图像开发源程序.rar VB例程:该程序是由VB编写的三维图像处理源代码(完整)
  • image_registr_MI.zip Description: Functions for aligning images by rotation and translation: im_reg_MI.m MI2 - calculating Mutual information joint_h - calculating Joint histogram
  • coloc3D.zip ... or 2-photon microscopy, into the MATLAB workspace for analysis of colocalization between two images in 3-D. It includes a function <getstacks> that is used for loading the images using the Windows file browser via <uigetfile>.
  • Automatic Image Registration.rar Description: Functions for aligning images by rotation and translation: image_registr_MI.m MI2 - calculating Mutual information joint_h - calculating Joint histogram
  • edge detecter(DE256).rar 很好用的边缘检测程序:) ED-256 is an edge detection program with support for any bitmap. As of 2.1, the program allows both edge detection and prototype classification on the images.
  • h264_cabac.rar ... Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. The standard specifies two ...
  • Mailer.rar ... ideal for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing, and sharing your images. With the image browser, you can find, organize, and ... files on your computer, and you can efficiently acquire images from digital cameras, scanners, and other devices. A full ...
  • cDlgMorphDilation.rar 2-D Fourier Transformation of Images
  • AspForumCompleteCodes.rar ... bbsxp2lybbs.asp拷贝到BBSXP目录下 5.运行bbsxp2lybbs.asp,执行数据导入 6.将BBSXP的images目录下的emotion,upphoto等目录拷贝到lybbs的images目录下。 这样转换已基本完成了,你再根据你自己的论坛情况补充完善吧。
  • 第4章 会议事务系统.rar 数据库 ODBC注册文件 数据库\MeetingManage 本案例SQL Server数据库 源代码 存放着系统登陆、退出以及用户界面的主框架文件, 另外还包括用户管理文件。 源代码\SQL 存放着用于建立数据库的SQL文件 源代码\IMAGES 存放着用到的图片文件 源代码\INCLUDE 存放着常用函数文件