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  • dvfileupasp.rar ... 满足各种不同类型ASP网站的上传需求。 功能介绍: 支持单文或多文件上传。 支持上传的文件自定义改名保存。 支持限制文件上传的大小。 支持限制文件上传的类型。 支持获取上传文件的详细信息及MIME类型。如gif文件为IMAGES/GIF 支持将文件内容保存进数据库,如上载图形文件、DOC文件等各类Windows文件。 支持从数据库中读取上载文件到数据库中的记录,如显示图形文件、DOC文件等各类Windows文件。 支持直接获取上传文件总数,总消耗时间,总文件大小等信息。
  • correctionalgorithm.rar Efficient skew estimation and correction algorithm for document images。一篇英文文献,内容新进。
  • ImageProcessingProficientinVisualC++Programming.ra ... : \Bin 本书所有示例的可执行文件,可直接在光盘中运行 \Images 用于图像处理测试的图像文件 \Source\ShowDIB 第2章2.5节示例 ...
  • Registration2.rar The file alignImages.m contains the entry function alignImages(.....) The input images should be in grayscale and converted to double type. For futher help please refer to the documentation within the code files.
  • mapapi0.4alpha.zip ... simple Javascript calls. Independent from the concrete GIS technology and specification, MapEasy allows you to request maps as rendered images (normally JPEG,PNG or GIF), and fufills the normal GIS functions such as locating, zooming, and marking... ...
  • qbit.rar Quad Tree Bit Plane Compression. A program to compress images. Qbit is an image viewer that loads and saves it s own imge format as well as loading various Sun Raster File, Targa and Bitmap files.
  • IMAGES(memory).rar 用vc编写的图像采集程序!硬件基于大恒公司的图像采集卡,实现将图像采集到内存。
  • eigenfaces_sample.rar Eigenfaces is used to representing a face by projecting original images onto a face space defined by eigenvectors, and then a new face is compared to known faces by calculating the distance between their projections onto face space.
  • ait_picmatch.zip ... two pictures given as arguments. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: The function takes two images as argument and using edge detection checks whether they are the same or not...a cool and simple code ...
  • MATLAB_mysusan.zip ... Abhishek Ivaturi Summary: SUSAN Edge detection in gray scale images. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: Edge detection in gray scale images using the SUSAN algorithm. (takes some time to compute, but ...