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  • ParticleFilterTrackerwithIsomap.rar ... for head tracking, which combines particle filters with Isomap. The particle filter works on the low-dimensional embedding of training images. It indexes into the Isomap with its state variables to find the closest template for each particle. The most ...
  • Savant.Framework.Images.rar C#幻灯片控件,其功能强大,望对大家有用.
  • WinCE_Demo_Images.zip Adeneo WinCE Demo Images
  • ellin3.zip Extracting ellipses and lines from images
  • Thumbnail_Images.rar Using Thumbnail Images in a List Control。在list control中使用thumbnail images
  • PH_IDAMAP1.rar Delineation and Visualisation of Congenital Abnormality using 3D Facial Images
  • image_comparaison.rar This file include how to compute the PSNR between two images.
  • Some_extra_image_logical_operations.1.rar Logic operations such as $I > J$, where I and J are images are useful when generating masks. This submission includes $==$, $>$, $>=$, $<$ and $<=$ filters based on the existing logic filters. This is a very minor submission - there may ...
  • A_Homogeneous_Transform_Class_for_the_ITK.4.rar ... arise when considering the transformation of an image of a planar object under arbitrary camera motion, or the transformation of two images of the same scene due to camera motion holding the optical center fixed. In this paper we describe the addition of ...
  • improved_CVlevelset.rar improve standard CV level set, enhance the contrast of regions, reflect the details structure in medical images