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  • images.rar matlab图像处理算法,包括中值滤波,平滑滤波,直方图滤波等
  • AI.rar An optimal neuron evolution algorithm for the restoration of linearly distorted images is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is motivated by the symmetric positive-definite quadratic programming structure inherent in restoration. ...
  • nonmaxsup.rar 极大值抑制与双阈值门限得到图像边缘: * nonmaxsup.m Code for performing non-maxima suppression for edge images.
  • noisecomp.rar 图像去噪: Code for denoising images. This code differs from standard wavelet denoising techniques in that it uses non-orthogonal wavelets, and unlike existing techniques, ensures that phase information is preserved in the image. Phase information is of ...
  • reflection.zip Reflection.js allows you to add reflections to images on your webpages. It uses unobtrusive javascript to keep your code clean. It works in all the major browsers - Internet Explorer 5.5+, Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+ and Safari. On older browsers, ...
  • RDSDK11_WIN.zip release, source, used to upload images from canon via usb
  • freeview_source.zip ... dendrogram viewer. It allows easy viewing of gene expression dendrograms and zooming in on details in them using a variety of color and visualization schemes that can easily be created. Saving images of dendrograms is also a very powerful feature.
  • matchbycorrelation.rar ... - match image feature points by correlation.Function generates putative matches between previously detected feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point. Only ...
  • Imagedenoising.rar noisecomp.m Code for denoising images. This code differs from standard wavelet denoising techniques in that it uses non-orthogonal wavelets, and unlike existing techniques, ensures that phase information is preserved in the image. Phase information is of ...
  • matscii.rar matscii.m Function to generate ASCII images from grey scale images. A bit retro but may have applications for interesting text messages on your mobile phone!