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  • Portable_Symantec_Norton_Ghost_11.0.0.1502.rar portable norton ghost for create/restore images
  • contourletHMT.rar This packet contains the MATLAB files that fit a hidden Markov tree model to the contourlet coefficients of images. The files require the contourlet Toolbox, which can be downloaded from http://www.programsalon.com/downloads121/sourcecode/graph/ ...
  • images-idx3-ubyte.gz 识别数据集,可以用来作为,分类的实验数据.类别:模式识别
  • src.rar 从网上找了很久,没找到合用的,就自己写了一个根据配置文件keyword.txt批量多线程下载图片的程序。比较简单,但很实用。不用一个个从image.google.com或者images.baidu.com上扒拉图片了。下次该给起个很酷的名字,叫图片吸血鬼,好像有了
  • l-embedded-distro-pdf.rar ... single-board computer. In this tutorial, you learn about cross-compiling, the boot loader, file systems, the root file system, disk images, and the boot process, all with respect to the decisions you make as you re building the system and creating the ...
  • MRIBrainScan.zip ... broadcast live on May 6, 2004. This package includes some MATLAB code and an MRI scan series consisting of 60 DICOM images. Note that this code relies on MATLAB Central submissions from others. Detailed references to those sources are included.
  • PhotoAndContent.rar 图文混排工具 1、新建一个Web工程 2、将Jsp下的页面与.js文件拷贝到工程的WebRoot下面 3、将images文件夹拷贝到工程的WebRoot下面 4、运行工程显示页面Gls.htm就可以图文混排编辑器。 5.向Oracle数据库中插入大文本数据: a)将需要插入大文本的字段定义为long数据类型 b)Source下的GlsTest.java即为向Qracle中插入大文本的方法及数据库操作 运行注意事项: 1、注意包名的大小写情况 2、注意页面的编码问题
  • PPTTools.rar PPT播放功能 环境的搭建: 1、新建一个Web工程 2、将Jsp下的JSP页面和images拷贝到工程的WebRoot里面 3、将Enviroument下的images文件夹拷贝到工程的WebRoot里面 运行注意事项: 1、JS文件的编码是utf-8
  • 1.rar The OpenGL graphics system is a software interface to graphics hardware. (The GL stands for Graphics Library.) It allows you to create interactive programs that produce color images of moving three-dimensional objects.