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  • blepo_0.6.4.zip ... to focus on algorithm development rather than low-level details such as memory management, reading/writing files, capturing images, and visualization, without sacrificing efficiency to provide a common platform for computer vision research, so that ...
  • GoogleEarthGrabber.rar ... used, GoogleEarth must be installed. To seamless compose of resulting jpeg images convert it to tiff, use GEOTIFF_TFW_FileGenerator.rar (or other tfw generator) and join images, for example, with MrSID. I m really grab with this tools big part of ...
  • wizfwtools-svn090124.tar.gz wizfwtools: tools for developing firmware images for Beyonwiz embedded devices (www.beyonwiz.com)
  • ToolPixelatorExe.zip Tool to pixelate images, that is: to make images more blocky.
  • CppHistogramEqualizationerExe.zip Tool to perform a histogram equalization on images.
  • ToolMorpherExe.zip Tool to generate intermediates between two images.
  • New_Enhanc21305710142008.rar ... Khope Youtube Url Directly at Main screen. Or Click Search , enter Search query and click Search. Result will be shown with images for respective results. Click OK to return to main screen with Youtube URL. Then click Download to Download FLV Video. ...
  • Sparkz.rar A Portal for uploading images, videos and sending sms.
  • TiriusProject_v1.0_Beta.zip The Tomographic Image Reconstruction Interface of the Universite de Sherbrooke [TIRIUS] is a Qt-based user-interface software for reconstructing 3D images from data generated by real apparatus or generated by the GATE Monte Carlo simulator.
  • hrssystem-4win32-1.0.rar HRS Reconstruction System This program build 3D model of object from range images. Program use modified volume reconstruction method for creating a model. In this method I replace difficult calculations on CPU with simple rendering on video card.