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  • average.zip This program perform Image fusion based on wavelet transform. This is very basic method for image fusion. This method averages two images and performs fusion.
  • maxmethod.zip This program is about image fusion based on wavelet transform. This program is written by taking maximum of coefficients of two images which have to be fused.
  • ImgEncgui.rar image steganography in images imagesteg
  • ImageSteg.rar image steganography in images image steg
  • thresh.rar the fuction performs thresholding to the eye images. this function can be used in implementing daugman algo for iris localization.
  • npr.rar Non Photo realistic rendering of images based on paper "Stylization and Abstraction of Photographs" by Doug DeCarlo and Anthony Santella
  • HNO.zip his script demonstrates some basics of how to read and display images in MATLAB. Reference: See Chapter 2, "Deblurring Images - Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering"
  • chat.rar this issue is the major content of image preprocessing, mainly from the camera to obtain images Face then, in order to improve the recognition and positioning accuracy. The module consists mainly of light compensation, Grayhound, Gaussian smoothing, ...
  • JPEG.zip Operation on JPEG images
  • itsutilsbin-20080602.zip Collection utilits for work images