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  • ImageCalculator.zip ImageCalculator is a command line program for doing simple mathematical operations to a series of images and generating an new output image and basic statistics about the output image. The program uses the Insight Toolkit (www.ITK.org) for file IO and ...
  • labelCombination.tar.gz Combining some labeled images is a quite common and useful task in image analysis. That s something we may want ... comes with three new filters to make the combination of labeled images easier with ITK. This contribution also try to provide an implementation ...
  • vi2.zip This program compress and recostruct using wavelets. We can select level of decomposition(here maximum 4 levels are given) of images using selected wavelet. For eg:-wavelets can be haar, db1, db2,dmey............... Decomposition can be viewed in figure ...
  • Image_denoising_using_wavelet.rar This a self-contained package including the 2-D DWT and inverse DWT routines. The included matlab routines are used to generate noisy example images and disply the result of denoising.
  • 53.zip DELPHIBOX The ImageHTML converts images to ASCII characters in HTML format. The output image is in three formats: true color, grayscale, and mono color. The ImageHTML is provided "AS IS " without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. ...
  • noisecomp.rar Code for denoising images. This code differs from standard wavelet denoising techniques in that it uses non-orthogonal wavelets, and unlike existing techniques, ensures that phase information is preserved in the image. Phase information is of crucial ...
  • Images.rar vivi bootload 可以使用支持vga tv
  • jpegpixi-0.10.tar.gz The program removes pixels from JPEG images by interpolation (eg to correct images from a digital camera with CCD defects). It doesn t decode and re-encode the image, but manipulates the encoded data, so that the quality is preserved as much as possible. ...
  • FANTASTIC_RESIZABLE_Skinned.rar ... rectangle" shape. It also shows you how you can reduce the size of your programs with a GUI by using blocks of images and absolutely positioning and stretching them to create a dialog box, rather than making the whole dialog box in a graphics program and ...
  • adaptive_anisotropic_2D_gaussian_filter.rar ... or fixed point arithmetic, because Gaussian kernels are strictly positive and bounded. But these implementations are slow for large images or kernels. With the recursive IIRfilters and FFT-based methods, there are at least two alternative methods to ...