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  • PCA.zip ... out PCA analysis on a set of 6 bitmap images. The images contain objects against blank backgrounds. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the set of images are calculated and based on these decomposition coefficients are calculated for each image.
  • Comparetwoimages.rar This is for comparing two images.
  • sprites.rar Java Game in Gui include muliti Jframe,and good sound , good images
  • browser_browser.zip The goal is to provide user with a systematic navigation tool for image database access. In this system, user can use an example image to retrieve similar images or use a 3-D location to retrieve a snapshot of the similarity pyramid of the database.
  • Images.class.zip Image edit class. Use for resize image on upload at server s.
  • CAD_Import_VCL_6.1.rar ... up to ten times. - Rotating drawings with raster images has no limitations since now. - When filling TsgCADGradientPolygon ... are supported. - Bugs fixed: - incorrect viewing of some Backward texts - incorrect viewing of raster images in block ...
  • digital_image_processing.tar.gz lectures about digital image processing. Contains nice lectures from fundations of image processing and digital images.
  • MSSIM.zip Source code of the MSSIM (Mean Structure Similitary Index). MSSIM is a measure of distortion static images. It s comparing distorted image with reference image and as the result return value between 0 and 1. The quality criteria is one of the most closer ...
  • FusionPalmprintandPalmVein.rar Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Images for Person Recognition Based on Laplacian feature
  • engine_api.rar this is work with bmp files, which convert 24 bit images into 8 bits? but for this program you must have a good computer.