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  • image2.rar 这是第二个有关图像配准的重要资料,对于图像配准很有帮助,原文件名为Correction of B0 susceptibility induced distortion in diffusion-weighted images using large-deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping.pdf
  • beidanci.rar 用VB开发的学单词软件——英汉小词典,完成英语到汉语的查询,很好的背单词软件。本程序用到了自己做的一个按钮控件 虽然比vb自身带的按钮好看,但是唯一不完善的地方是它存在一个小问题就是:   按钮三种状态:一般、鼠标经过、鼠标按下。用到了三个image控件切换、但是没法判断鼠标经过时的状态从而调用IMAGES控件,好像是其他的编程工具中大部分控件都有一个MouseExit 或 MouseLeave 事件,但vb中没有。
  • memorygame.zip It is a VC++ memory game, where you click on the images in order as the computer clicks
  • BTPCA1_0.zip Implements mixture of binary (logistic) PCAs where pixels are modeled using Bernoulli distributions instead of Gaussian. The images do not need to be aligned.
  • OGLGUIDE.ZIP ... hardware. (The GL stands for Graphics Library.) It allows you to create interactive programs that produce color images of moving three-dimensional objects. With OpenGL, you can control computer-graphics technology to produce realistic pictures or ones ...
  • rgb_to_gray.rar this is the code to convert 24 bit bmp images to 8bit grayscale image.
  • graphics_pipeline.zip ... triangle based models. Our goal was to generate complex models with a movable camera. We wanted to be able to render complex images that consisted of hundreds to thousands of triangles. We wanted to apply interpolated shading on the objects, so that they ...
  • CompressionRatioImage.zip How to find compression ratio of an uncompressed image as compared to compressed jpeg images.
  • back_seg_code.zip Information Fusion of Flash and Non-Flash Images (Project)
  • exparement.rar this is a program for detecting the license plate from the image and divide it into defferent images each one contain one character