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  • images.rar 这不是忽悠,是被逼的. 这不是忽悠,是被逼的. 这不是忽悠,是被逼的.
  • PSNR.zip To find the PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) between two intensity images A and B.
  • ssim_index.zip This is an implementation of the algorithm for calculating the Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index between two images.
  • curveletutils.zip Edge detection in microscopy images using curvelets
  • gk_bmcb_2009.rar Edge detection in microscopy images using curvelets
  • imageResampling.m.rar This function resamples the images at the new grid points defined by the new pixel sizes. It assumes that intensities are defined at the pixel centers
  • xlaPhepBienDoi.zip transform images: rotate image, scale image
  • konvolution.rar Konvolution of images.
  • j2kp4files_v1_5(2).zip jpeg2000 test images