can be used to read and rename images in matlab..try on those images with changing directory..
This is a application software that can use webcam to capture, edit the images and video.
The VFW and TWAIN are used in the programming.
This is a MFC program to test Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for constructing Eigenfaces. Using train images, it calculates Eigen values and Eigen vectors with sorting. Then reconstruct test images from PCA coefficients.
... analysis (direct LDA) for face recognition. Histogram equalization is used as a preprocessing and direct LDA is used to reduce a dimension in feature space from train images. Minimum Euclidean distance is used for face recognition of test images.
... .aspx.cs
<DIR> employer
11,297 EULA.rtf
4,945 from.gif
1,012 Global.asax
<DIR> Images
<DIR> jobseeker
754 login.aspx
915 login.aspx.cs
2,427 MasterPage.master
2007/09/01 11:02 1,096 ...
... computes and plots the RAPS of an input image. The function was written to produce the RAPS for square weather radar reflectivity images so you will have to relabel the plot axes and title to suit your needs. The radially averaged power spectrum provides ...
... pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Models
(P3DHMMs) are applied to the task of dynamic facial expression
recognition. P3DHMMs are an extension of the
pseudo 2-D case, which has been successfully used for the
classification of images and the recognition of faces