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  • CSPIHT420_01-01-2009_Hesham.rar a very handy code to compress color images using spiht algorithm with shape adaptive technique it is the original file no updates
  • CSPIHT444_01-01-2009_Hesham.rar a very handy code to compress color images using spiht algorithm with shape adaptive technique this version is been updated with some features of ROI
  • 2440_130_24_zImage.rar linux\linux2.4\images\各套餐的zImage\2440_130_24_zImage.rar
  • jEncoder.zip this file is a java code for JPEG algorithm that used for compressing images which give the smallest size of image
  • DICOM_parser_demo.zip used to display dicom images
  • lo.rar This application can make a comparative analysis of two images using different methods: Logical Operators and singular value decomposition (SVD). In conclusion, with this work we have tried to collect a few methods for differentiating textures.
  • ImageProcessing.rar Image_Processing Created on MS Visual C# 2008. In this program localization and recognition of textures on images with using two-dimensional fourie transformation was made. In compiled program of this project you must open your image and then doing the ...
  • VINH_NENANH2D.rar matlab code for processing images,
  • Lightbox.zip JavaScript Library, You can use it to add transparency effect on your web page while showing images.
  • 2vid.rar 2 cameras streaming images at same time open cv